Good new year resolutions: an unforgettable 2024 with your puppy - FlowerPup

Good new year resolutions: an unforgettable 2024 with your puppy

With 2024 the time has come to plan your good resolutions with your pet.

It was one of my favorite moments of the year, because I sat on the sofa, a fire burning in the fireplace, a sweet and sleepy muzzle on my legs, a notebook and a pen.

What did I write?

All the activities, things to do, things to avoid… in short, my good intentions to do with Argo. If you've never done it and would like to create your list of good intentions with your pet, would you like to do it with me by reading this article?

I can't wait to find out what yours are!

So get yourself a sheet and a pen and take some time for yourself in peace.

You are about to write your own pets and resolutions 2024 list!

 Pet memorial gift custom pet portrait from photo to drawing

How good resolutions work

Before you start creating your list, I want to first tell you how good resolutions work and why you should create your 2024 intentions with your pet.

The first time I wrote my list of intentions for the year, I remember it all too well, and I'm a little ashamed to tell it…

I was so caught up in the frenetic daily rhythms, in my work, that I felt damn guilty.

Argo was often alone at home, he couldn't wait to go out, run happily in the woods with me! But I couldn't.. I did not know where and how to find the time! On my days off, I was so tired and stressed that I wanted to sit alone on the couch eating popcorn and watching heartbreaking movies.

But that's not what most of all triggered a reaction to the change in me… It was Argo.

Just in that period I often saw Argo sad, still and always sitting in the corner… He didn't want to play, he hardly looked for me…. He looks like a puppet standing all day by the fireplace.

What was wrong with him?

What did he have? OMG how embarrassed I am to tell you!

I was so tired that every time Argo looked for me, either to play or for attention, I always said to him "later I'll arrive promised and let's play together" or "then we'll go for a ride"... In short, after that he had become more and more an ALMOST NEVER!

Argo noticed and no longer believed me, he no longer listened to me.. Closing himself in his sadness.

Until I read in his eyes: "mom you're neglecting me... maybe you don't love me anymore?". Poor Argo!!!! And stupid me! I cared so much for my puppy!

From that day on I promised myself never to neglect him again.

Result? I got fit by going walking with him every day, breathed the clean air of the woods, excellent for eliminating stress and feeling freer and lighter, easing body tensions. I learned to Appreciating the little things in life.

In short, creating this list of good intentions has made me more positive, healthy and happy. Now is your time, do it too.


Your pet list 2024 good resolutions

So what to write in the list of pets and good resolutions 2024?


  1. A new thing that you and your pet want to do together (A walk in the woods every Saturday? Visit a new city together?..)
  2. One thing you want to teach your pet, to make games more engaging and fun (do you want to teach your furry puppy to sit? Or to walk next to you without the leash without him running away or barking at other dogs or people?)
  3. One thing that both you and your pet would like to have (a trampoline where you can play together? A new super outdoor kennel complete with bed and toys?)
  4. A new healthy habit to do every day with your furry son (Walking every morning as soon as you wake up? Eating healthier by staying away from junk food?)
  5. A new intention of being (Would you like to be more present for him? Or less bigoted towards him?)


Take all the time you need to answer these questions. And if you want to be more specific, also write the reason for each point.


Tips to improve the power of intention

When setting the intention, use these tips to best apply them.


Bring Your Intention\Promise into Focus

When thinking about your new intention, you need to focus on it and make sure it resonates deeply with you so you can feel its power. You will understand that the intention is right when you feel emotions moving in you.


Be responsible

Setting good resolutions and intentions once is great, but the more you do it, the more motivated and focused your life will be.


Don't listen to your fears or limiting conditions

Learn not to let your fears or mental limitations stop you. They will always try to take you away from your goals… Consequence? You will always be stuck at the starting point, dissatisfied and frustrated.

Inhale deeply and exhale all your fears and doubts that are holding you back and dive into your fearless life!


Resolutions to be good to my pet friend

By setting resolutions that truly resonate with you, you can focus on what you want to achieve in your life, and what you want to give and do together with your pet friend.

It will enhance your union!

Now there is nothing stopping you from achieving your goals pet.

If you like, share one or more of your 2024 good resolutions with your beloved pet in the comments.

I will be delighted to read them.

A big hug,


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