7 Incredible Things Dogs Can Sense Before They Happen - FlowerPup

7 Incredible Things Dogs Can Sense Before They Happen

Dogs are not just pets, they are intelligent and intuitive animals that can sense and detect things beyond human comprehension. Their sharp senses and heightened awareness allow them to detect changes in the environment and warn their owners of potential dangers. In this article, we will explore 7 incredible things that dogs can sense before they happen.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Dogs Can Sense Natural Disasters
  • Dogs Can Detect Medical Conditions
  • Dogs Can Smell Low Blood Sugar Levels
  • Dogs Can Sense Seizures
  • Dogs Can Predict Migraines
  • Dogs Can Detect Cancer
  • Dogs Can Sense Emotional Distress
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


Dogs have been man's best friend for thousands of years. Their loyalty and devotion have earned them the title of "man's best friend". But did you know that dogs possess an incredible sense of intuition that can help save lives? Dogs have an innate ability to sense things that humans cannot, and this has been proven time and time again. Let's take a look at 7 incredible things dogs can sense before they happen.

Dogs Can Sense Natural Disasters

Dogs have a heightened sense of hearing that allows them to hear sounds that are beyond human hearing. This means they can detect the sound of approaching storms or earthquakes before they happen. In 2004, a tsunami hit Sri Lanka, killing over 230,000 people. However, there were no reported deaths of dogs, as they had already fled to higher ground before the tsunami hit. This shows just how incredible a dog's sense of hearing can be.

Dogs Can Detect Medical Conditions

Dogs can detect a range of medical conditions, from diabetes to narcolepsy. They can pick up on changes in body odor, which can indicate a change in a person's health. In some cases, dogs have even been known to alert their owners to a medical emergency before it happens. One study found that dogs can detect cancer with an accuracy rate of up to 98%.

Dogs Can Smell Low Blood Sugar Levels

For people with diabetes, low blood sugar levels can be life-threatening. But dogs can sense when a person's blood sugar levels are dropping, allowing them to alert their owners to take action. This can be a lifesaver for people with diabetes who may not realize their blood sugar levels are dropping.

Dogs Can Sense Seizures

Dogs can sense when a person is about to have a seizure, and they can provide assistance and support during the episode. Some dogs are trained specifically to assist people with epilepsy, providing comfort and protection during a seizure. This can be incredibly helpful, as seizures can be frightening and disorienting.

Dogs Can Predict Migraines

For people who suffer from migraines, the onset of a headache can be unpredictable and debilitating. However, some dogs have been trained to detect the onset of a migraine before it happens. They can pick up on changes in body odor or behavior, allowing them to alert their owners to take medication or find a quiet place to rest.

Dogs Can Detect Cancer

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell that allows them to detect even the slightest changes in a person's body odor. This means they can detect the presence of cancer cells before a person even knows they have cancer. In fact, some dogs have been trained to detect lung, breast, and colon cancer with an accuracy rate of up to 98%.

Dogs Can Sense Emotional Distress

Dogs are incredibly attuned to their owners' emotions and can sense when they are feeling sad or stressed. They can provide comfort and support during difficult times, and their presence alone can have a calming effect on their owners. This is why therapy dogs are often used

in hospitals and nursing homes to help patients recover from emotional distress.


Dogs are amazing animals that possess an incredible sense of intuition. Their heightened senses and awareness allow them to detect and sense things that are beyond human comprehension. From natural disasters to medical emergencies, dogs can be trained to alert their owners and provide assistance and support during difficult times. It's no wonder they are called "man's best friend".


  1. How can dogs detect natural disasters?

Dogs have a heightened sense of hearing that allows them to hear sounds beyond human hearing. They can detect the sound of approaching storms or earthquakes before they happen.

  1. How accurate are dogs in detecting cancer?

Dogs have been trained to detect lung, breast, and colon cancer with an accuracy rate of up to 98%.

  1. Can dogs detect emotional distress?

Yes, dogs are incredibly attuned to their owners' emotions and can sense when they are feeling sad or stressed.

  1. How do dogs detect low blood sugar levels?

Dogs can sense changes in body odor, which can indicate a change in a person's health. They can detect when a person's blood sugar levels are dropping, allowing them to alert their owners to take action.

  1. How do dogs provide assistance to people with seizures?

Some dogs are trained specifically to assist people with epilepsy, providing comfort and protection during a seizure. They can sense when a person is about to have a seizure and provide assistance and support during the episode.

A Hug,


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